Social Suriname features:
Anything near you:
- 10.000+ more businesses to find and explore.
- Find the newest and the hottest spots to eat and drink nearby.
- Dine at local restaurants or get something to go.
- Easily make a reservation, order pickup or delivery, view restaurant menus - all from your phone.
- Read restaurant reviews from other Social Suriname users and scroll through photos to help you decide where to go.
Explore, Discover, Recommend:
- Explore local & international businesses, services and events near you
- Discover local businesses and services like hair & nail salons, auto repair shops or fresh bread bakeries.
- Look up addresses, business hours and phone numbers for businesses near you.
- Read and write reviews for local or international businesses and add tips for other Social Suriname users.
- Redeem great offers in your area when you sign up.
Find Shops, Get Quotes, and Hire Professionals:
- Find the coolest clothing stores and best tour operators complete with customer reviews, Facebook and contact info.
- Hire local professionals for home renovation, car repair, landscaping, moving, and more.
- Read millions of reviews by the Social Suriname community.
- Filter your searches by neighborhood, distance, rating, price, location, and hours of operation.
Beauty - Pamper Yourself:
- Find highly-rated salons, spas, massage therapists, acupuncturists, and more near you.
Search Filters:
- Filter your search results by distance, popularity and other specifics.
- Look up addresses and phone numbers, call a business, and make reservations directly from the app when you call
- Get to know businesses and read their reviews and browse through beautiful photos of each business.
- Write and read reviews, find events or specials deals / offers.
Find local restaurants, read customer reviews and search for businesses near you, all from the Social Suriname app.